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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Windows 7 Pro & Enterprise Serial Number Activation

To activate Windows 7, usually we use the loader from DAZ (Windows Loader). If you use windows loader, actually safe, but sometimes it can be blacklisted by microsoft.

But now you can get the serial number to full activation, only on this site.

Product key to use:



Note :

This serial can only be used for Windows 7 Professional and Enterprise versions


Based on Personal Experience

Bagi para praktisi maupun teknisi komputer yang ingin lebih cepat dalam melakukan install ulang Win7 dan tdk harus menunggu terlalu lama ..... maka solusi yang biasa ditempuh adalah dengan sistem cloning.

Namun perlu diketahui bahwa untuk mengkondisikan Windows 7 agar bisa di cloning (sysprep) tanpa masalah maka Windows 7 anda harus dalam kondisi tdk teraktivasi alias dlm masa trial.

Selain itu ada langkah tambahan, yaitu menjalankan beberapa settings yang perlu dilakukan. Tetapi untuk  prosedurnya sudah saya buatkan script untuk mempermudah pekerjaan anda.

Berikut adalah step by step persiapan settings konfigurasi OS Windows 7 yang perlu anda lakoni supaya bisa berhasil menjalankan sysprep.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How to Create Large Dummy File using FSUTIL.EXE

Fsutil.exe is a built in filesystem tool that is useful to do file system related operations from command line. We can create a file of required size using this tool.
syntax to create a file:

fsutil file createnew filename length
(length is in bytes)
For example, to create a dummy file test.txt, with size as 50MB :
fsutil file createnew test.txt 52428800
Note that the above command creates a sparse file which does not have any real data. If you want to create a file with real data then you can use the below command line script.
echo "This is just a sample line appended to create a big file " > dummy.txt
for /L %i in (1,1,14) do type dummy.txt >> dummy.txt


Monday, July 15, 2013

How to clear windows run history

Windows stores the list of the commands we have executed from Run window. This ‘Run’ command history can be seen by clicking on the drop down list in Run window.

clear windows run history

This history of  Run commands is saved in registry key which is specific to each user of the computer. One can clear this command history by deleting all values under this registry key.

This registry key is

So to delete command history we can simply run the below command from command prompt.
reg delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU /va /f

Note that after running the above command you would still be able to see history for the current login session. Once you logoff and login back you won’t be able to see the history.
The above tip is applicable to all Windows editions(XP, Vista, Server 2003, Server 2008 and Windows 7).


Add user to group from command line (CMD)

In Windows computer we can add users to a group mebership from command line. We can use net localgroup command for this.

net localgroup group_name UserLoginName /add

For example to add a user to administrators group, we can run the below command. In the below example I have taken username as John.


How to hack Linux by breaking the root password on RHEL OS

Passwords are the most basic security of a computer system. In the case of linux operating system it is the root password. If you have the root password you own the system by all means. Today I am discussing about how to break the linux root password and of course the countermeasures for such a hack.

The following hack is tested on RHEL OS and you needed physical access to the machine to perform this.

  1. Boot your system , at the time of booting press any key to access the GRUB Menu.
  2. Press 'e' to enable and move to the second line which starts with the kernel.
  3. Again press 'e' again to edit the kernel parameters.
  4. Add 'a' at the end of the line and press enter (without quotes). This will start the system in single user mode instead of default run level.
  5. Now press 'b' to start booting in single user mode.
  6. Now the system will start in single user mode and use the passwd command to change the root password. Sometimes passwd command will not work in that case assume that the SElinux is in enforcing mode.So you have to first disable it and change the password using passwd. To disable SElinux enforcing mode use setenforce 0 command.
  7. After changing the password switch to GUI mode using init 5 command and start using the newly assigned root password.
This hack can be easily prevented by enabling password to access  single user mode.To do that edit/etc/rc1.d/S99single file and add  exec /sbin/sulogin before exec init t1 S statement. Now you have to give root password to access single user mode..

Hope you enjoy this hack.


Resetting LINUX OS root password without login

Alright folks, let's say you've lost your root password, or simply cannot log in as root after a hard drive install, and have no privileged users on your system. I'm about to show you how to get back in the game as root with a quick and dirty password-change hack.

For this tutorial, everything that is italicized is a user action. Anything in <angle brackets> is a keystroke. If it has a + beside it, it means press the keys at the same time.

## Changing the root password:


  1. Reboot your computer. Wait for the grub screen... Press <ESC> when you're prompted.
  2. Highlight the first option.
  3. Press <e>.
  4. Highlight the kernel line.
  5. Press <e>.
  6. Press <TAB>. You'll get an error message.
  7. Press <ESC>.
  8. Press <e> again.
  9. Using your arrow keys, scroll back and change ro to rw
  10. At the end of the line add: init=/bin/bash
  11. Press <Enter>
  12. Press <b>
  13. Type at the prompt: passwd root
  14. Enter the new password twice.
  15. Press <CTRL>+<d> to cause a nice Kernel Panic. This will cause your system to hang.
  16. Press and hold your power button till it shuts down. Power back up and let it boot into BackTrack normally.
  17. Log in as root with your new password.


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Enabling SATA mode to AHCI after XP is Installed

This procedure is applicable to most laptops, or computer systems with Windows XP inside.

If you want to enable SATA mode as AHCI after installing Windows XP, then read on. It's a bit of a long read because of step-by-step instructions, but worth it.

I did this on on Acer Aspire 5315-2153, it seems like the basic strategy should work on other laptops or systems.

For whatever reason, you may have installed Windows XP on your new laptops with SATA Native Mode disabled in the BIOS. Once XP is installed, enabling it in the BIOS will result in a BSOD upon loading Windows because XP doesn't have the correct drivers.

I read that enabling SATA native mode will give you a slight performance inrease and slightly increased battery life, so it seems worthwhile to me.


Trik Mudah Menembus Password Account di Windows

Trik kali ini akan menjelaskan step-by-step bagaimana jurus mudah menjebol password user account pada OS Windows (semua versi WinXP-Win8).

  1. Boot komputer dari Hiren's BootCD
  2. Pilih menu Mini Windows Live XP
  3. Buka My Computer dan menuju folder Windows\system32 (instalasi OS Windows yang ada di harddisk komputer)
  4. Rename (ganti nama) file sethc.exe dengan sethc.bak
  5. Copykan file cmd.exe dan ganti namanya menjadi sethc.exe
  6. Restart komputer, nanti pada saat muncul kotak login Windows , (dialog untuk mengklik dan memasukkan password user), tekan tombol Shift 5x.
  7. Akan muncul jendela Command Prompt. Ketik perintah : net user nama_account * (enter 3x)

Misalnya di komputer ada 2 user account, Sammy dan Administrator.

Account Sammy bukan termasuk dalam group Administrator (alias user standard), maka ketikkan:

- net user Sammy * (enter 3x)
- net localgroup Administrators Sammy /add (enter)
- net localgroup Users Sammy /del
- net user Administrator /active:yes (enter)
- ketik exit

Demikian trik termudah hacking password user account di OS Windows. Jangan disalahgunakan untuk merugikan orang lain.

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